
How To Keep White Sugar Soft

There is nothing more than frustrating than getting up in the morning prepare for your cup of coffee or tea, just to realize you can't brand it because your white sugar is as hard as a rock.

It is very annoying when you can't utilise it just considering it did not stay in the form yous expected. It may even exist ten pound sugar and no one would ever want to waste material that much!

So let's go to it and I volition teach you how you can soften your white sugar and get y'all back on rail in no time.

Why White Sugar Gets Hard


White sugar, like whatsoever other form of sugar hardens when information technology gets exposed to wet. Since dry estrus can cause moisture to class into your white sugar, always keep your white sugar in an airtight container to preclude moisture from forming.

Not just can y'all get it from high humidity, only as well from storing them in the fridge if yous don't store them properly.

I personally prefer storing my saccharide in the fridge to prevent ants from getting to them but have been surprised to see my carbohydrate hardening even at that place, since I simply kept information technology in an opened bag with a safe band to proceed it from spilling. I accept always kept them in a dry container ever since.

9 Methods to soften white sugar

1. Using Paper Towel

How to soften white sugar

This method volition allow moisture to slowly, but gradually seep into your white saccharide crystals. This is only appropriate for modest amounts of sugar, just to nearly a container of 200 grams or so.

  1. Moisten a paper towel until it is damp, not dripping wet, and place it inside the container of your sugar.
  2. Leave information technology overnight in a cool, dry place.
  3. Remove the paper towel and use a spoon or fork to crush the sugar to its original state.

ii. Using a Slice Apple tree


Just like the damp paper towel method, the apple slice method works by slowly allowing moisture back into your white sugar granules.

You may be wondering why you demand moisture when it is moisture that caused your sugar to harden in the first place. However, the moisture from high humidity is taken from the carbohydrate themselves, so the best fashion to recover its original form is to give it a small amount of moisture to recover.

  1. Cutting apple into four and remove the core.
  2. Y'all will merely need i of the 4 slices of apple in a small container of carbohydrate. If yous have a lot of sugar and want to use all of your slices, only place all of the slices on top of the saccharide inside the container.
  3. Seal and proceed it in a cool dry out identify overnight.
  4. Remove apple slices from the carbohydrate container.
  5. Apply a fork or a spoon to loosen the granules of your white sugar.

three. Using a Meat Tenderizer or a Pestle


This is a very uncomplicated method, but it can exist a fleck messy then the following steps will likewise make sure that you proceed it as clutter gratis as possible.

  1. Place your hardened carbohydrate in a deep bowl.
  2. Lightly spray your sugar with a very trivial bit water. It is very important that you do not over-spray it, otherwise you will be in worse course than you started off.
  3. Identify a dish towel on top of your sugar inside the bowl. This will prevent sugar from flying all over your table top.
  4. Using the height of your meat tenderizer or pestle, continuously striking the textile and to crush the sugar underneath.
  5. Simply repeat until you accept achieved your desired results.

four. Using the Oven

This is an easy method with very little work required from you.

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F.
  2. Place your sugar in a deep oven-rubber casserole dish.
  3. Lightly spray your carbohydrate with h2o.
  4. Bake sugar for around 15-20 minutes.
  5. Take out the casserole and tap a sugar clamper to see if it is breaking off easily.
  6. If the sugar is non breaking off easily, put information technology back in the oven and repeat subsequently the 30 minutes.
  7. Practise not repeat the procedure until afterwards your oven and sugar has had a risk to cool, otherwise you might end of melting the sugar.
  8. In one case your hardened saccharide is breaking off easily, gently tap all chunks until you restore original texture.

v. Using the Microwave


This is a similar method as to using an oven merely because of the heat settings and how microwave heat differs from the cooking in the open, follow these steps when using a microwave:

  1. Identify your saccharide in a microwavable container.
  2. Lightly spray your carbohydrate with water.
  3. Set to high estrus for 5 minutes.
  4. Take out the container and tap a sugar chunk to see if it is breaking off easily.
  5. If the carbohydrate is non breaking off easily, put it back in the microwave and repeat the process.
  6. Do not repeat the procedure until sugar has cooled or you might end up melting and burning information technology.
  7. Once your hardened sugar is breaking off hands, gently tap all chunks until y'all restore original texture.

6. Using a Coffee Grinder


You can also utilise a food processor for this method as long equally the chunks of your hardened saccharide are non too difficult.

  1. For this process, simply cascade in enough sugar into your grinder or nutrient processor.
  2. Cheque your transmission to run into what your grinder's or nutrient processor'southward chapters is.
  3. Only fill up to one-half of your food processor's chapters or you lot will risk breaking it, but you tin follow your coffee grinder's capacity without much concern.
  4. This method is the fastest method. Make sure you lot store properly afterwards.

7. By Steaming


Another quick and piece of cake mode to soften your hardened sugar is by steaming.

  1. Make full a deep pot with about two cups of water.
  2. Place your hardened white sugar in a microwave safe bowl or high-oestrus tolerant basin. You don't want your plastic bowl to melt during this procedure, and you don't want your glass bowl to break under the heat either.
  3. Place your sugar of basin inside the pot
  4. Make sure the water in the pot is reaching less than half of the height of the bowl. Reduce the amount of water if needed.
  5. Make certain your pot is covered to make certain heat volition exist circulating inside.
  6. Bring h2o to boil with your bowl of sugar existence steamed inside for effectually five-7 minutes.
  7. Closely monitor water level to make sure it hasn't stale up. Replenish h2o every bit needed.
  8. Tap a carbohydrate chunk with a spoon to see if they are breaking up hands.
  9. Let sugar cool and repeat the process if sugar chunks are not breaking off easily yet.
  10. Remove bowl from water and printing chunks with the back of a spoon to intermission off all chunks.

viii. Drop it on The Floor

Yous might have thought about information technology. Plus, it is a pretty self-explanatory process. Notwithstanding, a few tips on this topic can make it easy and safe for you to endeavour this method. Then, nosotros volition try to share a few tips as well as draw the process.

You might have already dropped ice on the floor to break it up into chunks quickly. And, in this way, you lot can likewise drop the sugar cubes on the floor or a hard surface to break it up. Notwithstanding, you have to make sure the container or the packaging is sealed tight.

As well, you accept to employ a package or container that will non outburst open if y'all drop it on the floor. Or else, you lot know that everything will get messy within a affair of seconds.

Honestly, we would not include this method at all. Nevertheless, if y'all are doing it right and taking all the precautionary measures, then this is one of the easiest methods of all. Due to the simplicity of the method, as you lot will non need whatsoever additional ready of tools, this method has got a place on our list.

9. The Casserole Dish Fox

We must acknowledge that this method is an unconventional i. But, the great thing about this ane is that it works. Yet, to be able to use this method to soften your white sugar, yous will have to be a flake lucky. Considering you will demand a goulash dish at the same time yous are in need of softening your white sugar. So, if you luckily have a casserole dish at your disposal, follow the steps below.

  1. Preheat your oven to 150 to 200 degrees
  2. And so place the casserole dish and the hardened white sugar within the oven at the same fourth dimension
  3. Now, let it cook for about fifteen minutes
  4. Next, you can tap information technology with a spoon or something and the white sugar will loosen out

Tips to proceed your Sugar from Getting Difficult

Restoring your white sugar'south texture is an inconvenient and unnecessary procedure and can be prevented with proper storage. Hither are some tips to keep your sugar from getting hard:

one. Always Keep your Sugar in an Airtight Container.

I found that dark containers continue my white saccharide in perfect form as compared to using my quondam clear containers. Dark containers can go on both rut and light from your white sugar leaving it in better form compared to clear containers.

2. Place your White Sugar within the Fridge.

If your house gets too hot, you lot may choose to place your white carbohydrate inside the fridge. It is important to remember though that once you have put information technology in the refrigerator, it is better to go along it there. Otherwise, the change in temperature may too cause wet to course.

iii. Using a piece of Staff of life

Whether you store your sugar in room or in the refrigerator, a slice of bread tin can assist absorb moisture from the within of your sugar container. This is a very constructive trick specially if you are in a really humid area, note though that your bread has a shelf life and yous will accept to supplant the bread several times in a week.

Unlike most things yous run into in the grocery, saccharide does not have a definite shelf life. It tin can last up to several years, depending on how well you keep them. If your carbohydrate has gone beyond restoration, you lot can e'er mix it with h2o and boil to make a liquid sugar sweetener, or caramelize it to use with other recipes.

Interesting Things You Should Know Well-nigh Sugar

  • There comes a time when your white sugar might become really hard. And, it could exist stuck inside the canister that you can't restore it past following the methods above. Just, as a last resort, you can melt the saccharide. And, for that, you can add together hot water to the sugar, and the hardened white sugar will melt right away.
  • For your information, saccharide acts as a preservative by preventing the growth of bacteria. So, if you want to keep it fresh, in that location is no need to put it in the refrigerator. Keeping information technology in the cupboard in a container would be plenty.
  • Most brands add two years of decease date in the packaging of sugar. However, carbohydrate usually has a longer shelf life than that. And so, you tin store sugar for many years and restore them to employ. And, if the stored sugar of yours hardens upwards, no need to be worried well-nigh the quality. Chances are, it will be perfect. You lot will but have to soften and restore it to its original grade.

Let me know what you call back and if y'all take tried other methods that has worked reallywell for you. Just go out me a bulletin in the comments below. Share with your friends if you accept foundthis commodity useful.


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