
How To Keep Caramel Apples From Sticking To Bag

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Processed apples are a sweet treat with a crunch, but they can go bad quickly if not stored properly. Because of the stick that is inserted into the apple tree, candy apples tend to go bad faster than a regular apple.[1] Keeping your candy apple treats in a closed container and refrigerating them volition assistance go along them fresh for longer periods of fourth dimension.

  1. 1

    Wrap the apples in cellophane. Wrapping the apples in cellophane will keep the sticky coating from coming in contact with dust and other particles that might exist in the air. You lot can even use a ribbon tied around the stick to agree the cellophane in place and requite a fancier advent.[two]

    • The cellophane should completely cover the apple, but it is okay if some of the stick is left uncovered.
  2. 2

    Continue the apples in a covered container out of the way. If you are storing the apples somewhere in your domicile or place of business, keeping them in a container volition ensure that they are safe from whatsoever bumps that could harm their coating, or contaminants from the environment.[three]

    • If you don't have a container large enough, organize the apples on a apartment surface with the sticks upright. Cover them with a canvass or light coating to keep them protected.


  3. three

    Store apples away from heat and light. If you are serving the apples before long later making them, it is still best to store them in a location that is away from heat and light. Avert storing the apples in areas near windows, radiators, heating vents, and air returns, as they tin can cause the candy coating to melt.[4]

    • You can store the apples exterior of the refrigerator for upwardly to an hour. If they won't be eaten within an hour, it's best to keep them in the refrigerator until you're prepare to eat.
    • If you lot find a brown coloring on the inside of the apple when you lot cut it open, immediately throw the apple tree abroad and don't swallow it. A brownish apple tree is the only way to tell that the candy apple has gone bad.
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  1. 1

    Separate apples with wax newspaper. Wax paper will keep your apples from touching and sticking together. Information technology will too help them to stay absurd and dry in the refrigerator over long periods of time. The wax paper only needs to cover the apple portion of the care for, and should stick to the coating. If y'all would like to, yous tin can utilize a rubber band or ribbon to tie the wax paper to the stick.[5]

    • Avert using plastic "cling" wrap for long-term storage because information technology tin can brand the candy coating taste like plastic.
  2. ii

    Place apples in an closed container. Keeping the apples in an airtight container will prevent the apples from condign viscous or tacky due to whatsoever dampness in the refrigerator. Tupperware-like containers are the best choice for the storage of multiple apples, but any closed container, such as a ziplock purse, will piece of work.[half dozen]

    • Ensure that the container or purse is properly closed before storing.
  3. 3

    Air-condition the apples for up to 2 weeks. To prevent foodborne illnesses, it is all-time to keep whatsoever apples that you won't exist eating inside an hour refrigerated. Refrigerated candy apples can last for up to two weeks before they should be discarded.[7]

    • If you remove an apple tree from the fridge and it is dark-brown when cut open, unfortunately that means that the apples take gone bad. You should throw them away immediately to preclude any foodborne illness.
  4. 4

    Remove apples from the refrigerator 45 minutes before eating. If you're planning to swallow the apples at any point, make sure you lot remove them from the refrigerator 45 minutes before you are going to eat them. The processed coating will be easier to cut through when they are room temperature.

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  1. 1

    Ensure the coating is firm before packing the apples for travel. Place apples in the fridge for 15-20 minutes before travel. This volition make the blanket equally firm as possible and avoid damage to the apples during transportation.[8]

    • You tin can test this by poking the blanket with a toothpick near the surface area where the stick is inserted into the apple. You should observe information technology slightly difficult to break the coating.
  2. ii

    Wrap the apples in private cellophane or plastic bags. The bags will go on the apples from touching during the ride and keep the sticky coating condom from any contaminants during transportation. Yous can secure the bags to the sticks using ribbon, rubber bands, or fifty-fifty twist ties.[9]

    • If yous don't want to wrap them in individual numberless, make certain that the apples are separated by wax newspaper wrapped effectually the apple to proceed them from sticking together.
  3. 3

    Identify the apples in a large container with a chapeau. Place the apples upright in the container with little space betwixt them. This volition go along them from sliding effectually in the container and bumping into 1 some other. A big plastic container with a lid will work all-time.[ten]

    • If y'all don't have a large plastic container available, you lot can utilize a sturdy box or a few individual smaller containers. If yous don't have a chapeau, a towel or canvass draped over the top of the container will go along your apples safe from heat and light.
    • If the coating is house, it is safe to identify the apples on their sides, but be enlightened that it may cause some harm to the blanket.
  4. 4

    Pack the apples in a cooler for trips longer than an hour. If you're going to be travelling a longer altitude, you lot should pack the apples into a cooler with ice packs to keep them from going bad. Y'all could also use a styrofoam container if you don't have a cooler, or whatsoever container that volition insulate the apples.

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Things You lot'll Need

  • Cellophane
  • Covered container
  • Refrigerator
  • Wax paper
  • Airtight container
  • Ziplock bags
  • Refrigerator
  • Toothpick
  • Cellophane, plastic bags or wax paper
  • Ice packs
  • Big container with lid, or a box with a towel/sail draped over the superlative
  • Libation or styrofoam container

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Article Summary X

If y'all desire to store candy apples for the short-term, wrap them in cellophane to prevent grit sticking to the coating. Alternatively, identify the apples in a large container so they don't get damaged. To keep your apples in the fridge for a longer corporeality of fourth dimension, wrap each one in wax paper and so they don't stick together, then place them in an airtight container. If you refrigerate the apples, remove them from the fridge 45 minutes before eating so the processed blanket is easier to cut through. For tips on storing apples for transportation, including when to use a cooler, read on!

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