three Tricks to Proceed Your Avocados From Turning Brown

A share-worthy kitchen hack

Cultura - Danielle Wood

Avocados are foreign fruit. Along with their creamy flavor and lack of real sugariness, when you eat 1, yous're non usually noshing on the whole thing (unless y'all're sharing, that is!). Turns out the recommended serving of an avocado is roughly ane-quarter or 90 calories. Equally part of your afternoon snack with black-bean chips, add-on to your dinnertime salad or topping for your morning toast, you often don't demand anymore anyway. But then, there'due south always this weird dilemma: what do y'all practice with the rest of the avocado? Toss it in a ziplock bag for the fridge, and that infant's turning a nasty shade of brown overnight. Bleh.

While you may know the most common method to prevent browning, leaving the pit in the avocado to foreclose air from touching at least some of the mankind, yous've still got a whole lot of exposed fruit. Fiddling did we all know, there are actually three legit methods for saving your avocado from that dreaded brown-streaky effect. Here's the how-to:

1. Use onions. Chop upward a quarter of a ruby onion in the bottom of a sealable container, and place the avocado flesh-side upwardly on the bed of onion. The vapors from the onion volition foreclose the avocado from browning, simply since the onions aren't really touching the part of the avocado you eat, there'due south no gustation transfer. Bonus: you can save the onions. (All the ameliorate if a basin of guac is in your futurity!)

2. Use olive oil. Castor the avocado'south flesh with an olive oil that doesn't have a potent taste. The oil keeps air from touching the part of the fruit that's been exposed, preventing that oxidation and all the ugly brown streaks. Store in an airtight container in your refrigerator until you want the rest.

three. Use lemon juice. Brush the avocado with lemon juice, and you're getting protection like to the olive oil; the citric acid in the juice will proceed browning at bay. Again, shop in an closed container to get equally much protection as possible.

Voila! Ane of your biggest kitchen conundrums is solved. Times 3. (You lot're welcome.)

[ Yahoo! Food ]


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