
How To Keep Birds Off Of Blueberries

Bowl of Strawberries

How to Keep Birds From Eating Your Berries

By Erin Huffstetler | 04/05/2018 |

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Sharing your berry harvest with the birds wouldn't be and so bad, if they were really willing to share. But their thought of sharing seems to entail them taking a bite out of every ripe berry and leaving you with the remains. If you're tired of battling the birds for your berries, hither are some cheap and easy things that you tin practise to protect them. These tips will work for strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and any other berries that yous're growing in your garden.

Rocks Painted to Look Like Strawberries

Fox Birds With False Fruit

Accept a strawberry patch to protect? Paint a bunch of rocks to look like strawberries. And then, place them around your plants about a month before you lot expect them to fruit. Once the birds find the berries are fakes, they'll (hopefully) dismiss your patch as a source of food long before your real strawberries come in.

Use Reflective Materials to Deter Birds

Scare birds away from your berry vines and bushes by placing reflective materials on or around your plants. When they meet (and hear) motility, it'll scare them away from your garden.

Scare Tape

Utilise a commercial product, like scare tape, which is substantially a roll of non-glutinous, double-sided, holographic streamers that you cutting and tie to copse or stakes.

Or create a homemade version of scare record by cut chip bags into ribbons. The shiny aluminum on the within of the bags will deed as the perfect light reflector.

Pinwheels in a Strawberry Patch

Reflective materials, like pinwheels, CDs and pie plates, tin also exist used as a deterrent. Since birds tend to wise upwardly to this trick eventually, don't put your reflectors out until your berries start to ripen. Then, exist sure to put them abroad every bit soon as you're done harvesting. Changing the location of your reflectors throughout the harvest season volition also help to maintain their efficacy.

Fake Snake

Scare Birds Off With Fake Predators

Some people use decoy owls to continue birds off their berries. A cheaper solution is to scatter imitation snakes throughout your garden. Pick upwardly several at the dollar store. Then, place them effectually your garden. As with the reflectors, it's all-time to limit their use to harvest season, and then they remain effective. Be certain to let your family know well-nigh your bird-deterrent strategy, and so you don't accidentally scare them, too.

If you lot have a large number of berries to protect, consider using a scarecrow instead. Give him a scarf, or add a pinwheel to his manus to create move.


Plant More than You Need

If yous don't want to go to heroic efforts to protect your berries, the simplest solution may exist to plant extra, so it won't be a big bargain if the birds get some of your harvest.

Roll of Garden Netting

Go along Birds Out with Netting

As a last resort, consider using netting to protect your berries from birds. This is the most expensive choice on the list, and it also happens to be the most annoying to implement. When you wrap berry bushes, you accept to be careful to exit infinite between the bush-league and the net, otherwise the birds will merely peck at berries through the netting. To net a strawberry patch, yous have to build some sort of row cover. This requires time and materials, and can be cumbersome to lift when picking berries. Plus, y'all have to take a place to shop your covers during the off season.

Just, perhaps the biggest trouble with netting is that it merely doesn't piece of work all that well. No matter how tightly you lot retrieve you've wrapped your berries, birds will find their way in. Mockingbirds are notorious for this. And information technology's pretty much inevitable that birds, snakes and small animals will become tangled in your nets, resulting in injury or death.

If you yet recollect nets are your best option, be certain to utilize netting with a wide enough weave for bees and other pollinators to get through, otherwise you lot won't have any fruit to protect.

Unripe Blueberries

Don't Wait Too Long to Protect Your Berries

Birds don't look for berries to be perfectly ripe, like we do, so you need to put your deterrent measures in place as soon equally your berries start to ripen.

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